“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb
Most of us have ideas and goals we want to accomplish in life, at home, and in the marketplace, but struggle to realize these goals on our own. Just as a professional athlete has a team of coaches to help them succeed, all of us need a team of others that believe in us, challenge us, and hold our feet to the fire to help us realize our goals.
Coaching differs from counseling in that it is almost entirely future oriented in it’s focus. Counseling offers a space to engage in the stories from the past that keep us stuck (or why we refuse to change), whereas coaching engages more strategy, problem solving, and execution on achieving ones goals.
I integrate my counseling background to engage my coaching clients with helpful strategies, practical tips, and sustainable boundaries to accomplish their goals. In the event we discover challenges that are more fit for mental health counseling, I will make an appropriate referral. While not an exhaustive list, the below categories are areas that my coaching clients have found to be the most helpful.
Parent Coaching
Parenting is one of the hardest and most impossible areas of life that many of us will face. So often we parent out of what we don’t want for our kids and family. This creates a defensiveness in parenting that is difficult to sustain. Parent coaching involves a three-step approach: Identifying your unique parenting style; Naming your kids unique gifts, abilities, and motivations; and Creating a robust parenting plan.
Adult Children Coaching
Parents and kids have it pretty easy when the kids are still in the nest growing up. It’s clear who has the authority (despite a teenager’s attitude), and who doesn’t. That gets a little tricky when kids become adults and the parent-child relationship doesn’t adapt and change. Let me help you navigate the difficult but needed conversations with your parents, or with your adult children.
Relationship Coaching
There are two truths about relationships: We were designed to live in relationship with others; and relationships are really really difficult (often messy). Whether you’re facing some hurdles in your marriage, at work, in your family, with yourself, or with God, it’s always helpful to get a different perspective to understand the challenges you are facing.
Career Coaching
When we have trouble seeing our unique gifts and skillset in the marketplace, we tend to make career decisions reactively. Career coaching helps men and women better engage their current roles, identify new career opportunities, and discern career giftedness.
Leadership Coaching
Regardless of the context, everyone who leads needs to be a follower. Lost in the leadership development industry is the approach to developing the skill of followership. How are we to lead others when we don’t know what it’s like to be led ourselves? Business leaders, non-profit staff, pastors, and others often ascend into leadership positions because they themselves desire to receive what it is they offer to others. We are most effective in our leadership when we are most capable in our followership.
Coaching Program Structure
- Initial meeting via Zoom to establish goals, set expectations, and develop rhythm of coaching relationship.
- 45-minute phone calls twice a month (bi-weekly).
- Availability for check-in emails and/or texts between calls.
- Personalized resource list to assist in reaching goals.
- Closure session to wrap up work together.
- (Additional phone sessions available on a per-session fee of $150)
Program Investment: $350/month (with an initial 3-month commitment)
Interested in learning more about how I can help you achieve your goals? Contact me and let’s setup a time to talk to asses fit and talk next steps.